Custom Manufactured Reagents for Chikungunya-Dengue Multiplex RT-PCR
- DESCRIPTION: One step single tube multiplexed assay for the detection of Chikungunya-Dengue viruses
- SAMPLE TYPE: EDTA peripheral blood or plasma
- LIMIT OF DETECTION: Chikungunya – 0.5 copies/μL, Dengue – 3 copies/μL; can detect all four Dengue serotypes (Dengue 1-4).
- WORKFLOW: Uses the ‘UNG/dUTP’ system to minimize the risk of PCR carry-over contamination and includes the human RNAse P gene as an endogenous process control.
- INSTRUMENT COMPATIBILITY: Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q, Bio-Rad CFX96, Bio-Rad Opus, Roche LightCycler II 480 and Thermo/ABI QuantStudio5 and 7500 FAST
- RUN TIME: ~ 80 mins